The middle of my back is really killing me with pain at the moment... that's what you get for hunching I suppose.. yet it is not fair because I have to hunch over the computer relentlessly toiling away doin g work just to earn a little bit of cash... that's capitalism in a nut shell for you its bad for your health and the fat rich gits.. (who of course are greedy and will probably die of obesity anyway) dont have to put their bodies under the stresses and strains of us "worker ants"... really not fair. Well I was wondering if I should buy a back support and see if that will help my aching back at all.. what do you think? I have heard that it is a good idea to buy them.. not for use when your stood up because the supports can weaken your supporting muscles but a back support can help put you back in the good habit of sitting up straight and stopping you slouching when you sat at computer.. anyone know if this is true? I guess anything is worth the try when you got back pain like mine. Going to start some stretches as well to help.. anyone got any suggestions at the moment all I know is trying to touch the ceiling and that it... :/
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